20th anniversary of Kraków’s Photo Gallery!
The year 2024 marks exactly 20 years since the first OtoFotoKronika gallery - a service collecting accounts prepared by photographers of the Mayor’s Office of Kraków - appeared online. To celebrate the anniversary, the Mayor's Office has prepared an outdoor exhibition, which can be seen from 4 March at Plac Wszystkich Świętych in front of the Wyspiański Pavilion.
Since 2004, month after month, all Kraków residents have been able to follow the events taking place in their city. For two decades, our ever-present photographers have taken nearly two million pictures, from which they have selected hundreds of thousands of the best ones. Eight thousand albums are waiting at your fingertips today - and that number is growing every day! Be sure to take a look and see if you are in any of the photos: https://www.krakow.pl/otofotokronika/
Autorami fotografii prezentowanych na wystawie są Wiesław Majka, Piotr Wojnarowski, Bogusław Świerzowski, Jan Graczyński, Anna Kaczmarz i Paweł Baranowski.
Memory fails and memories are lost irretrievably. OtoFotoKronika gallery offers everything at the click of a button - momentous and trivial events, celebrations and everyday life, grand banquets and gray county roads. A veritable million snapshots of the city.
The photographers behind the exhibition are Wiesław Majka, Piotr Wojnarowski, Boguslaw świerzowski, Jan Graczynski, Anna Kaczmarz and Pawel Baranowski.