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European Metropolitan Transport Authority – EMTA

EMTA logo




41 avenue de Châteaudun
F-75009 PARIS




Krakow is a member of the European Metropolitan Transport Authority, one of the most important organizations gathering the organizers of the public transport since 22nd November 2019. Krakow is the second Polish city, after Warsaw, to join EMTA.

Resolution of the Krakow City Council NR XVIII/360/19 on joining EMTA by the City of Krakow: Uchwała NR XVIII/360/19 Rady Miasta Krakowa z dnia 12 czerwca 2019 r. w sprawie zamiaru przystąpienia Gminy Miejskiej Kraków do European Metropolitan Transport Authorities: EMTA

The Association of European Metropolitan Transport Authorities was created in 1998. It is a network of 29 European public transport authorities.

EMTA is a non-profit seeking association. Its purpose is to form a venue for meetings and exchange of information, research and experience between public transport Authorities of the main European cities. The emphasis is put on the technical character of the exchange and on a multimodal approach, covering aspects of an institutional, organisational, financial, technical and environmental nature, including transport policies and integration of transport systems into the city. EMTA performs studies on subjects jointly requested by its members. EMTA may make recommendations and requests and take initiatives with regard to European and international institutions, particularly in research and development fields. It may also participate in international events on behalf of its Members.

Each year EMTA publishes a Barometer presenting the popularity of public transport in member cities as well as the trends in urban mobility.  

Membership fee:

650 EURO in 2019 (only a partial membership fee was due for Krakow as it became a full member of the organization by the end of 2019).

Membership Coordinator:

Zarząd Transportu Publicznego w Krakowie (Public Transport Authority in Krakow)

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News Publisher: Otwarty na świat EN
Published: 2020-01-02
Last update: 2020-01-02