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Ambassador Mark Brzezinski's farewell visit

US Ambassador Mark Brzezinski paid a farewell visit to mayor Aleksander Miszalski on 12 December 2024. Also present at the meeting was US Consul General in Kraków Ms. Erin Nickerson.

Mark Brzezinski was sworn in as US ambassador to Poland on 22 December 2021. From 2011 to 2015, he served as US ambassador to Sweden, where he organised the first ever visit to Stockholm by a US president (Barack Obama in 2013).

Mayor Miszalski had the opportunity to meet Ambassador Brzezinski twice: in May 2024, in connection with the 30th anniversary of Steven Spielberg's film Schindler's List, and in July 2024, during the celebration of the American Independence Day (the Consulate General was then celebrating its 50th anniversary in Kraków).

The Ambassador emphasised that the last three years in Poland have been extremely intense and rewarding at the same time. He appreciates the team of both the embassy and the consulate, writing on social media: 'Now I’ve had three very full years at one of the very best US Embassy sites. Mission Poland has every reason to be proud of our performance and accomplishments. They have been impressive in every way. The new ambassador is likely to take over the mission in Poland in May 2025.