Professor Adam Kanigowski from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Jagiellonian University in Kraków and Mathematics Department of the University of Maryland received a prestigious prize awarded by the European Mathematical Society.
It was announced during the opening ceremony of 9 EMS Congress in Seville on 15 June 2024. Congress of European Mathematical Society is held every four years and is the second largest event of mathematics in the world. It is worth mentioning that Kraków hosted this meeting in 2012.
EMS prizes are announced at each EMS Congress. They were established in 1992 and are awarded to up to ten researchers under 35 years of age of European nationality or working in Europe with outstanding accomplishments in the field of mathematics. Among their 80 recipients already 15 were awarded the Fields Medal which is frequently called a Nobel Prize in mathematics.
Professor Adam Kanigowski is the head of Central European Mathematical Research Lab, one of the flagship projects of the Jagiellonian University. He is also a researcher and academic teacher at the Department of Mathematics at University of Maryland in the US.
Profesor Kanigowski’s research is focused on dynamical systems and ergodic theory and interactions between those fields and number theory, geometry and probability theory.
His academic papers have been published in the top journals of mathematics: "Annals of Mathematics", "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" and "Inventiones Mathematicae".