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Popularity of the map of Krakow catering is growing

The map service "Branża gastronomiczna w Krakowie” (Catering industry in Krakow), although launched a few days ago, has become immensely popular. The map is attracting more and more residents and entrepreneurs who want to mark their presence on the map or take advantage of the catering outlet offer available on the website.

Record of daily website views

The map of Krakow catering is a collection of useful and practical information about catering entities that is being used by more and more people. Residents and entrepreneurs from Krakow willingly visit the website, thanks to which they can support local entities offering delicacies from all over the world. Here are the first statistics:

When you use = you support

The initiative to create a map for Krakow catering is a hybrid form of support, it combines aid for catering outlets and the residents who want to use the services of restaurateurs close to their place of residence. In the current situation, we see the need for mutual support and solidarity, which can be the choice of tasty food with delivery or takeout.

For entrepreneurs and residents

The map is dedicated in particular to entrepreneurs from the catering sector who, despite the deteriorating situation in the country and in the region, still provide their services, and to the residents who want to take advantage of the catering offer available in the vicinity.

Join the map - fill in the survey!

The information on the map is provided completely free of charge and available to everyone. To take part in the project, all you need to do is complete a short survey, where you must provide basic information about your business (name, address, contact details), as well as information about the outlet’s offer, payment and delivery methods. In order to read this information, it is enough to click on the center of the symbol indicating the location of the entity you are interested in and wait for the highlighting.

How was the website created?

The data supplying the website with the interactive map have been separated from the data from the I am ACTIVE website - it is a map service containing various active business entities. The map of catering outlets developed by the city was created in response to the needs of residents. The city updates the database of website entities on an ongoing basis in accordance with incoming notifications.