górne tło

Krakow thanked the Polish health care workers

Another week brought further sanitary and epidemiological restrictions in connection with the fight against the spread of coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease caused by it.

At this difficult time, which requires self-discipline and mobilisation from everyone, Krakow particularly appreciates the daily work of Polish doctors, nurses and rescuers. On 2 April, between 7.30 p.m. and 11.30 p.m., TAURON Arena Krakow displayed the inscription "Krakow thanks the Polish health care workers".

After the illumination, which was an expression of gratitude from the citizens of Krakow to the medical professionals fighting for our health and lives, TAURON Arena lit up in blue. This time it was a gesture of solidarity with people suffering from autism, in connection with World Autism Day.

