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U.S. Consul General Bix Aliu’s farewell to Kraków

On 28 May 2019 B. Bix Aliu paid his final visit as U.S. Consul General in Kraków to Mayor Jacek Majchrowski. After nine month of service Consul Aliu ends his diplomatic mission in Kraków to move to Warsaw where he will take on the role of Deputy Head of Mission. Before coming to Kraków as Consul General Bix Aliu worked in Warsaw as Deputy Consul and Deputy Head of the Press and Culture Department of the U.S. Embassy.

During his mission in our city, Consulate General initiated the Hoover Table project, with the active involvement of the Municipality of Kraków, American Chamber of Commerce and Polski Instytut Filantropii. As the result of their collaboration the public learnt about the great philanthropist and friend of Poland – the 31st U.S. President Herbert Hoover but thirty underprivileged children from Kraków won an opportunity to learn English and relax at adventure camps in Mazury.

During his visit Consul General assured the Mayor that while working in Warsaw he will remain a true friend of Kraków who will continue his support for the city. On 27 June together with Ambassador Georgette Mosbacher Bix Aliu will host an event organised on  the occasion of U.S. Independence Day.

See photos taken at the meeting: OTOFOTOKRONIKA MIASTA KRAKOWA